Born To Kill
On Set DIT

Born to Kill centres around Sam (Jack Rowan), a teenager under a lot of stress and on the verge of going insane and go on a psychopathic rampage.
Shot in Wales and serviced by Mission Digital Wales, this haunting drama will surely be one to talk about for a long time.
Two cinematographers were in charge of delivering this beautiful scenes, Sam Care and Joel Devlin. They shot the project on both Arri Alexa and Panasonic Varicam cameras. The later one was specifically helpful for night scenes. Similarly, two of our DIT’s helped each of them attain these results: Jacob Robinson and Al Marshall.
Bruce Goodison
Sam Care
Joel Devlin
Production Company
World Productions
Mission Talent
On Set DIT:
Jacob Robinson
Al Marshall
Shooting Format
Arri Alexa
Panasonic Varicam